
Project Bona Fide uses the diversity of agro-forestry and permaculture design to support the rural economy and environment on Isla Ometepe, Nicaragua. The project’s goals are to demonstrate and offer diversified horticultural technologies to expand cropping options that have both higher market values and promulgate food security. Perennial food systems that promote food security and iversified economy may also resist the vagaries of global weirding and contribute to re-forestation of abused landscapes. With more permanent and economical farming systems farmers will be less inclined to sell their land to incoming expansive tourism and cash cropping, thus keeping the culture and environment intact.

Permaculture is a design system for creating sustainable human ecologies. The word itself is a contraction not only of permanent agriculture but also of permanent culture, as cultures cannot survive long without a regenerative agricultural base and land use ethic. The aims of Permaculture are to create systems that are ecologically-sound and economically viable, which provide for their own needs, do not exploit or pollute, and therefore are sustainable or even regenrative in the long term. Project Bona Fide practices many different types of agro-forestry. Plantings of fruit, nut, and multi-use trees on contour are spaced so that “alleyways” are left for the inclusion of annual crops like cereal grains and annual legumes. Alley farming allows for multiple yields of tree and annual crops throughout the year. The use of vertical space is optimized when this type of poly-culture is employed.

Copyright © Project Bona Fide 2015