Permaculture course all wrapped up!!!

Greetings Bona Fide friends and supporters,

Happy birthday to Eira, thanks to a wonderfully eager staff and a small error we ended up with 5 cakes to celebrate the birthday of our resident hobbit and do all wündergirl, Eira who is the volunteer coordinator as well as the community outreach coordinator. Kudos. Thanks to small errors that bring 5 cakes. No cake was wasted in the eating of this mistake. Pictured with Eira is of course the one of a kind, wünderkind himself, 1/2 my size, twice my brain power, our Permaculture interpreter extraordinaire, my ‘mini me,’ Tiny Man, AKA Cris Fallas of Costa Rica. People of Bona Fide, we salute you Cris.

Thanks to the early risers on the 2nd to last day of the course for your help in carrying the final piece of the playground puzzle to the community center grounds over 4 months later, a barel of excuses and a lot of blackouts our playground is complete. Thanks again to the Knorr family for your support.

Who is that man in the hole? Answer: Don Agustin Contreras, our local well digger. Along with two Bona Fide staff members we have been digging for over 3 weeks, we hit water almost a week ago and now we are very close to being able to set up our pumping system. Thanks to everyone for your support.

As the course finishes up we prepared for our design projects. You will see a foto of Lydia, a young mother from town who completed the design course, she is pictured above talking about her design project to the rest of the class, also pictured, Tiny man’s back. Lydia is also the woman pictured in traditional dress doing folkloric dance for the talent show, also pictured is Ebbie Slow (6yrs), local resident and comedian.

Last but not least, my ugly mug as pictured from a Jackfruit tree(Artocarpus heterophyllus). I hardly ever post fotos of myself as I am usually taking the fotos and Michael and I love this one so why not. Gotta love jackfruit, biggest fruit on E-A-R-T-H. That is the kind of tree that can feed a lot of people, One mature tree can produce over a ton of fruit/seeds annually. WOW.

Best to all,

Chris Shanks
Co-Director Project Bona Fide

Copyright © Project Bona Fide 2015