Healing Hands, Travel, RAIN!!!!!

Greetings Project Bona Fide friends and supporters,

I would like to almost entirely devote this week’s entry to four exceptional women.
Our BF friends and neighbors, Dee and Kim
Our friends from town, Lydia and Sineada
It all started like this: Kim and Dee were housesitting for our dear Neighbors, Ben and Sarah Slow whilst they were welcoming their newborn daughter into this world. Dee and Kim were caring for the home and sharing animal care duties and other chores with Lydia and Sineada who work at Ben and Sarah’s farm. All 4 women became close. Both Kim and Dee are certified and trained massage therapists. They wanted to leave something lasting and generative to the community they grew to love. Massage is what they chose to give. Over more than a month in many long and grueling sessions they taught traditional Indian Head Massage to Lydia and Sineada and worked with them to ground the program in the Community Center in town, structuring the econimic system to benefit the masseuse, the Center, and to support the ongoing work of the masseuses and their needs for materials. WELL DONE!!!
In other news:
RAIN RAIN RAIN. Por fin (finally) our rain dancing has paid off with more than a week of consistent moisture our last year’s plantings are being finished and our annual crops are being well refreshed.
I am ON THE ROAD traveling in the mid-west of the US of A visiting agro-foretry sites, farmers, and friends, out to learn and absorb. Many thanks to all who have provided a place to stay, a cold beer, a good bit of conversation, speaking engagements or otherwise.
Pictures to come after the trip.
Best to all and thanks for your support,
Chris Shanks

Copyright © Project Bona Fide 2015