Mission and Vision
Project Bona Fide promotes food security and sustainable living systems on Isla de Ometepe, Nicaragua through permaculture design, agroforestry, research & education, and community collaboration. We educate and expose people locally and worldwide to the possibilities of multi-strata food production through demonstrative agriculture on our 26-acre model farm.
Our vision is to provide people with the necessary knowledge and skills to empower them to produce their own food in a more sustainable manner and live more intentionally in their own environments.
Our approach has three key elements:
- Demonstrate the possible. Using permaculture and agroforestry research and design principles, we conduct plant trials on site and demonstrate successful models to the public.
- Learn from and educate the interested. We teach sustainable lifestyle principles to volunteers, interns, student groups, and local community members.
- Collaborate with the community. We support community projects through financial support, knowledge, and technical skills.
Core Principles:
Promote food sovereignty locally and regionally. “Food sovereignty“ is a term coined by members of Via Campesina in 1996 to refer to a policy framework advocated by a number of farmers, peasants, pastoralists, fisherfolk, indigenous peoples, women, rural youth and environmental organizations. It refers to the claimed “right” of peoples to define and have power over their own food, agriculture, livestock and fisheries systems. Food sovereignty is not only achieved through feeding one’s self and one’s family, but also through nourishing the community and contributing to its local economy.
Learn by doing. We are an experience-based learning center, and we aim to inspire local partners and people from all over the world to undertake their education through hands-on learning experience.